A casino is a building that houses games of chance where the players gamble for money. The casino business model consists of encouraging players to play more often, spend more money and take risks in order to increase the likelihood of winning. The more a player wins, the greater the profit for the casino. Casinos also add luxuries to their facilities, such as restaurants, free drinks and stage shows to attract people to their properties and make them more appealing to potential customers.
The popularity of casino-themed movies such as Martin Scorsese’s Casino highlights the glitz and glamour that attracts people to these gambling venues, but casinos would not exist without the games of chance that bring in billions of dollars every year. Slot machines, blackjack, roulette, craps and baccarat are the games that provide the thrill of gambling and drive profits for the casinos that offer them.
A successful casino is one that can impress, excite and relax its guests at the same time. This atmosphere is created by using lighting, sound and scent to create a manufactured blissful experience that keeps people coming back. In addition, casinos use comps to reward loyal patrons with free hotel rooms, meals and show tickets, as well as limo service and airline tickets for the biggest spenders.
Understanding what drives a casino’s audience is the key to effective marketing. However, knowing demographic information only gets you so far. For example, you may know that the group of women standing outside your casino are all in their late 20s or early 30s and are college-educated. But you don’t know if they are on a work-related trip or there for a bachelorette party.